Virtual CPU

The virtual CPU has four registers, one flag, and a memory of 64 bytes. Instructions are all 8 bit. The CPU is optimised for stack operations, there are no instructions for direct memory access.

The virtual cpu can be found in the code folder and run with

$ java -jar VirtualCPU-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Registers and flag:

Name Type Description
A Accumulator Primary accumulator
B Accumulator Secondary accumulator
SP Stack Pointer Points to last element pushed
IP Instruction Pointer Points to next instruction
F Flag Decides if next JMP or CALL is effective


Abr. Type Bits Literal
r Register 1 A (= 0) or B (= 1)
o Offset 3 +0 to +7 Offset to SP
v Value 5 -16 to 15 (2-complement)
a Address 6 #0 to #63


Binary Code Function
0000 0000 NOP IP++
0000 0001 ADD A ← A + B; IP++
0000 0010 MUL A ← A*B; IP++
0000 0011 DIV A ← A/B; IP++
0000 0100 ZERO F ← A = 0; IP++
0000 0101 NEG F ← A < 0; IP++
0000 0110 POS F ← A > 0; IP++
0000 0111 NZERO F ← A ≠ 0; IP++
0000 1000 EQ F ← A = B; IP++
0000 1001 LT F ← A < B; IP++
0000 1010 GT F ← A > B; IP++
0000 1011 NEQ F ← A ≠ B; IP++
0000 1100 ALWAYS F ← true; IP++
0000 1101   Undefined
0000 1110   Undefined
0000 1111 HALT Halts execution
0001 000r PUSH r [–SP] ← r; IP++
0001 001r POP r r ← [SP++]; IP++
0001 0100 MOV A B B ← A; IP++
0001 0101 MOV B A A ← B; IP++
0001 0110 INC A++; IP++
0001 0111 DEC A–; IP++
0001 1ooo RTN +o IP ← [SP++]; SP += o; IP++
0010 rooo MOV r o [SP + o] ← r; IP++
0011 ooor MOV o r r ← [SP + o]; IP++
01vv vvvr MOV v r r ← v; IP++
10aa aaaa JMP #a if F then IP ← a else IP++
11aa aaaa CALL #a if F then [–SP] ← IP; IP ← a else IP++


The #a notation for static addresses is mainly used in output, in code, labels are preferred:

MAIN:      MOV 5 A
           PUSH A
           CALL FACT
           POP A
FACT:      MOV +1 A
           JMP RECUR
           MOV 1 A
           MOV A +1
           PUSH A
           CALL FACT
           POP B
           POP A
           MOV A +1
           RTN +0

RTN is a short form for RTN +0


There are quite many conditionals, introducing a NOT (F ← !F) might make it possible to reduce the conditionals to EQ, LT, GT, and ZERO or something similar. Three bits for the offset, allowing 7 arguments, might be over the top. Reducing it to two bits, would allow for some other instructions.